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Hispanic / Latinx Health Care: Researching Health Disparities

Suggested Search Terms

A Note on Search Terms

Searching for information on health disparities can be tricky because of how quickly language changes. Databases and authors can be slow to make the transition to current terminology. Historical resources probably will use outdated (and possibly offensive) terminology. Keep this in mind when searching. 

Suggested Search Terms

Depending on the search tool that you are using (catalog, database, web search), you may need to search for multiple terms.  Here are some terms to consider for both textword and subject searching (remember that some databases have specific subject terms to use).

  • "Hispanic Americans"
  • Hispanic
  • "Mexican Americans"
  • Mexican
  • Latino
  • Latina

Combine the above terms with terms like these:

  • disparities
  • "health status"
  • "quality of health care"
  • "health services accessibility"

or with terms that are disease/condition-specific (like diabetes, gout, etc.)

*based on the University of Toledo LibGuide

General Health Disparities Information

General Health Disparities Information

  • Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act puts consumers back in charge of their health care. Under the law, a new “Patient’s Bill of Rights” gives the American people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health.
  • CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report
    This report analyzes current healthcare inequalities in the U.S. across a range of social characteristics, diseases, and other demographics.
  • Disparities Research for Change
    Finding Answers manages an $8 million grant portfolio that funds program evaluations in 33 health care organizations across the country. They evaluate a variety of intervention strategies in different health care settings to find out what works—and what does not—to improve care.
  • HealthyPeople 2020: Health Disparities
    Healthy People 2020 assess health disparities in the U.S. population by tracking rates of illness, death, chronic conditions, behaviors, and other types of outcomes in relation to demographic factors including Race and ethnicity, Gender, Sexual identity and orientation. Disability status or special health care needs, and Geographic location (rural and urban).
  • Kaiser Family Foundation: Disparities Policy Documents & Statistics
    A source of facts, analysis and journalism for policymakers, the media, the health policy community and the public to inform young people to improve their health or the general public to understand the health reform law.
  • Medline Plus: Health Disparities
    Provides links to health information from the National Institutes of Health and other federal government agencies as well as health information from non-government websites.
  • National Association of County and City Health Officials : Health Equity and Social Justice
    NACCHO''s Health Equity and Social Justice initiatives explore why certain populations bear a disproportionate burden of disease and mortality and what health departments can do to better address the causes of these inequities.
  • National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
    Tools for measuring health care quality, including the National Healthcare Disparities and Quality Reports, AHRQ Quality Indicators, and ambulatory clinical performance measures.

Overview of Latino / Hispanic Health